So, I'm waiting for a meeting to be scheduled with the principal, DS5's two teachers and the social worker, to discuss son's boredom and frustration with school. I asked the principal last week if I could please have access to the curriculum learning objectives for math. He offered to get me both reading and math - great.

Today he calls and says he is printing off the state learning standards, as they choose a curriculum which "of course meets the state standards." I point out that what I'm looking for is the actual objectives, what he is expected to know by the end of first grade. He says, that's what this is. I say, no, those are general guidelines not exact description of knowledge to be mastered. I point out that I want to see how we can assess DS regarding his mastery of the learning material to be presented this school year. I say that I'm not concerned with whether he can meet the minimum state standards for learning, since he tests in the 98th-99th % on achievement. I don't think meeting state standards is an issue. To which this principal ACTUALLY SAID: "Well, I'm not sure that is the case. I'm not the one who would be assessing that." What?! Did our state recently raise the learning standards so that EVERY child needs to be at the 99th%?!!! Ugh! The battle continues.

And still no meeting is set. At least the social worker seems to be a potential ally. Pray for us!