Originally Posted by ultramarina
It seems that my city is a bit of a chess power, for some reason. I can't quite figure this out, as we are a mid-sized city, but it does appear to be so. Odd.

Tor'sMama, your son must be very good. I don't really know what I am talking about, but I think 1000 is very high for 6. I'm curious as to why you think he gave it up for 10 months. Was it getting to be too much? Also, does he have a coach? And how in general do you find the experience for a child this age? I like your pin idea.

I am not sure what is considered good in chess either, lol. But as of next month he is on parr to rank in the top 100 USCF players ages 7 and under. His rating is above 1100 now. I guess that's good. He's at a tournament this weekend in a neighboring city.

I think he burnt out on it. He wasn't even quite five years old when he stopped pursuing it. Before that he would play hours a day if I let him. Plus he started working on motor skills at that time, you know normal kid stuff like learning to write and ride a bike and pump on the swing. Hah.

He doesn't have a coach. He has taken three lessons before but we just can't afford it to be honest. The coach still thinks my son will be very high ranked IF he sticks with it. I do t care one way or another, honestly. I just want him to be happy and a selfless person. If chess helps him towards those goals, great. It not we will reevaluate his participation in the sport.