Hi Pranava,

Yes, dump that pediatrician. People like that shouldn't be practicing medicine.

If you are in the US the links on the left side of this page have a good number of qualified testers. http://www.aspergersyndrome.org/

Some people, including some testers, find it hard to believe that a very verbal and/or gifted child can be on the autism spectrum-- but they can. (I have one.) For that reason, I'd recommend finding a tester who's seen a TON of kids on the spectrum-- they are more likely to have a grasp of the range of what's possible. We found ours at the autism center of a major children's hospital.

You will want a complete neuropsychological workup, which typically includes direct observation, teacher and parent rating scales, IQ and achievement testing, interview with the clinician, lots of different things. Ours was about 6 hours of testing.

I think you're right to look into this-- having good information at that age can make an enormous difference in later quality of life and educational planning.
