LOL-- so glad that our stream-of-consciousness seagulls-and-Borg analogy made sense to someone else.
This is often the sort of thinking that makes other people decide that we're freaks.

Zen Scanner, I love that idea. Do you think that
all people have the innate capacity to learn those things as children? I wonder, given what I've seen of the ability of adults to absorb and utilize those meta-skills. It's really aggravating sometimes.
All is a tricky word, and I have to own up to a bit Pollyanna-ism... I've a knack of making other people feel smart (I know, lol) because I anticipate it. I don't know, really, but if it is treated as bread and butter as the alphabet and addition? It's actually research I wish I had followed through with in college.
The first syllogism is likely: Cry when hungry, I'm hungry, therefore cry. It is pretty primary to how we work. Piaget talked about the concrete operational phase covering around age seven through to maybe eleven or twelve. That's the time when that sort of meta groundwork could be set.
I know there are studies showing strong impact of chess instruction for kids, which is basically positioned closer to direct instruction on metacognition. Gonna skim related research.