You can submit results from any of the following achievement tests.

Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement-II (KTEA-II) Standard score 145+ (99.9th percentile) on at least one of the following sections: Reading, Math or Total Battery

Wechsler Individual Achievement Test - II or Wechsler Individual Achievement Test-III (WIAT – II or WIAT - III) Standard score 145+ (99.9th percentile) on at least one of the following sections: Total Reading, Total Mathematics, Total Written Language, or Total Composite

Woodcock-Johnson Test of Achievement-III (WJ-III Ach) Standard score 145+ (99.9th percentile) on at least one of the following sections: Broad Reading, Broad Math, Broad Written Language, or Total Achievement

You may be able to get one of these tests done by the school if they want the information for some reason - the school administered the WJ to my DS when he was in 1st to evaluate a potential grade skip.

Or you can likely get the testing done from the same person who did the IQ test.