Your WIAT-II scores were rejected because you only had a single qualifying subtest each time. It's like trying to qualify on IQ with just one (out of the standard ten) subtests on the WISC-IV.

As for the Woodcock-Johnson, I don't recall without pulling out old reports, but the Broad Math would have double (or more?) the subtests as the Brief Math.

At this point, I am not sure whether it would be considered valid even if you were to take the missing subtests for Math to see if they reach DYS level. It may be worth an email to DYS to check. It is just weird that the tester gave your DS every subtests to get Total Reading score but not for Total Math on the Woodcock Johnson. The alternative may be to take all the math subtests to get a Total Math score for WIAT-II.

Last edited by Quantum2003; 10/21/13 12:05 PM.