Originally Posted by CrazyMom2013
I definitely need to learn more.
Here is a quick read about ADHD, as another poster mentioned that possibility:
WebMD, 2 pages - http://www.webmd.com/add-adhd/guide/adhd-symptoms
You will find more links.

Originally Posted by CrazyMom2013
I have signs up everywhere reminding him to do simple tasks.
Might he enjoying drawing pictures to be his reminders?

Originally Posted by CrazyMom2013
I do try to be supportive of his passions- he loves art. He loves to do arts and crafts and he loves to draw, paint, etc.. so rather than having the dinning room table in the dinning room, it is in the livingroom, and the dining room is his art area. He has all his arts and crafts stuff, desk to draw, paints. The walls are filled with his creations. He can put whatever he wants on the wall, he can't draw on the wall, just hang up any and all creations he wants.
What a wonderful arrangement! This may give him lots of choices for what he likes best, to keep in a portfolio, as the works retire from being exhibited on the walls of his art studio.

Originally Posted by CrazyMom2013
marble system... It seems to be working so far, but that just may be because it is new, and it may wear off.

That may be something to keep in a written log.

Originally Posted by CrazyMom2013
you hear about people like Albert Einstein who was a genius, but very eccentric- anytime they ever portray a gifted person whether in a movie or book, that person is always eccentric.

What may be eccentric to one person may be a disability to another. It is a matter of degree, ability to function.

Originally Posted by CrazyMom2013
I would think that the school with a gifted program would account for that...

Reading your school's gifted policies, special ed policies, and wrightslaw may help shed some light on this. Meanwhile other recent threads have discussed finding testers... some lists include the Hoagies Gifted Education Page (links- http://www.hoagiesgifted.org/psychologists.htm, http://www.hoagiesgifted.org/professionals.htm) and National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) and its State Affiliates which may offer a list of testers in your area. The sooner he may be tested, the sooner he may feel better. smile