I did have him talk to a psychologist, and he lies and he sounds so absolutely believable that they don't see the problem... Like it was said above about their kid, he lies so believably almost like a psychopath, and everybody believes him- it's so simple just take the video games out of his room, the end-but he doesn't have video games in his room. Heck if I did he would destroy them in a matter of minutes. That is another thing about him, he takes care of nothing. He will destroy anything and he doesn't seem to care. He loves Pokemon, he loves collecting the cards, but he scatters them everywhere and doesn't care if they get torn or misplaced. Someone mentioned to me about taking him to a Occupational specialist for an evaluation, do you think that might be a good idea? I would have to get his Pediatrician to refer him and last time I talked about his problems he told me to take parenting classes- that seems to be the common response though is to take parenting classes.. I think I am a good parent..I did sign up for some though.. they start next month.. I don't know if they will help, because I don't think his problems are anything I am doing wrong as a parent, and I don't think milestones for his age are going to be the same as his milestones, but I will try anything at this point- you never know