We got the results. The tester does NOT think that DS7 has any 2E issues. Although there WAS a big discrepancy between IQ and achievement scores, she attributes it to the following:

He is very reluctant to read or write things that are not 'interesting' to him. He WILL do it, but doesn't want to. She believes that his reading and writing education in his current classroom is extremely poor. So, he is acing everything they do in class and is not being stretched at all. Therefore, he is not learning anything in reading or writing at school. And since he strongly prefers non fiction to fiction, he spends very little time reading fiction at home. So, he is not developing his reading and writing skills at home either. He actually did pretty well with his decoding skills (I was shocked!). I also saw his writing samples from the achievement test and they looked good to me. So no dyslexia, no dysgraphia.

She thinks that the gap between IQ and achievement will be closed by giving him an appropriate education in reading and writing.

Any thoughts from anyone here?