hi MumOfThree! i just use Postimage (google "free image hosting" and you'll see it) because i, too, am WAY too lazy to set up accounts! smile

Ametrine - inventions are awesome! Pandors Clonkacoris with all its gauges is fantastic - and i love how much style your DS' handwriting already has - love the curly tails on the a/l/d/etc�

and ultramarina, that's kind of you to mention - like a lot of us, i'm in this bubble where i don't really know what to expect at which age! although... DD did start cursive this week and it's going weirdly well, so yeah, maybe you're right and it's not just the math that's coming through here? i'm still so naive about this stuff - very grateful to you all, as usual!

Every Sunday it brooded and lay on the floor. Inconveniently close to the drawing-room door.