Originally Posted by mykids
Kai and Irena...I am also confused. I was told these are also symptoms of dyslexia b/c the child has to strain to read and understand. Irena...what treatment/intervention did the dr recommend for convergence insufficiency?

Geofizz...would also love to hear what remediation you did.

Mykids, he did and is doing vision therapy. I paid for it privately last year (actually my insurance covered it but I had to pay a $40 co-pay each visit. It took me all last year to get the school to agree to provide VT so this year he is getting VT paid for by the school.

The VT has helped a great deal. I STILL have plenty of days where I suspect dyslexia even though it's been "ruled out" by more than one psychologist.

Actually, the place where DS got vision therapy last year screened him for dyslexia and based on the screening they recommended he be formally tested for it (VT helps vision but not dyslexia and they made that very clear). But no one I take him to seems to think he has dyslexia. It's complicated b/c he does have the convergence issues AND dysgraphia AND is gifted AND is reading about a year above grade level. I am often frightened that he has stealth dyslexia (if only the Eides could evaluate him!) The position of last neurpsych I took him to was that he has visual processing issues as a result of his convergence issues and not dyslexia.

I'd love to just get him some really good dyslexia remediation, just in case (it can't hurt I am told even NT kids benefit from being taught reading the way they remediate dyslexia!) but it has to be on a high level (b/c he reads so well) and finding a true Wilson certified is proving difficult and expensive.