DS also gets lost with many steps which apparently has to do with his low working memory. I used a math example for him since that is one of his strengths so it was painful to see him struggling to do something so easy for him.

I don't know enough about the Weschler non-verbal ability test to comment on that. Did the psych give a reason for not wanting to do the WISC IV? I guess I'd try to find out why they object and try to advocate for the WISC IV assuming they will share all of the results. TBH if it is financially possible I'd strongly consider going private based on the above two posts. She has ADHD and you suspect possible other 2e issues. Unless your school psych is experienced with those types of issues and will do a full evaluation I suspect you'll get more information going private. I don't know what we would have got in-school (it was going to be at couple years on a waiting list and we felt we didn't have time for that) but I do know we came out of private testing with a very detailed 14 page report. We were then in total control over what we did or didn't share with the school and had a much better understanding than we would have otherwise. Of course if we could have got all of that without paying for it ourselves, that would have been nice wink