deacongirl, I work part-time but in order to make the $$ work, the full-day option was the only one that made sense. However, my DH and I are thinking of changing our schedules a little bit so I work 3 full days and stay home with her 2 days. This will cutback her time at school from 4 to 3 full days (6.5 hours long). I am not a good disciplinarian so I find it hard to make and enforce rules. I was a pretty wild kid myself and gave my parents a lot of grief through my teenage years but now I am a responsible, caring, sensible adult (at least I think so). I can see a lot of that in my kid, she is definitely protesting authority. DH and I came to an agreement that when he uses a strict authoritarian approach, I would not interfere and weaken his stand. I have agreed to it and as long as my child is not crying uncontrollably or hurting herself, I am going to let him deal with it in his way. Meanwhile, I will work with her in my own style. I had a really good conversation with her yesterday night that I will post here soon.