blackcat, I don't have much time to reply so this will be in a hurry - I hope it makes sense!

I would ask for the full suite of WJ-III Achievement tests. I would also ask what they hope to gain from looking at only the WJ-III writing test - I'm guessing that they are using it to assess for challenges with written expression associated with dysgraphia (perhaps?). If so - what we have found is that the limitations of *handwriting* specifically are much more obvious when you have the full WJ-III suite of tests - what we see with our dysgraphic ds is a very telling set of trends when you plot the test scores together. The subtests that are not timed and do not require a written response line up with what we would expect based on his IQ, subtests that require a handwritten response but aren't timed are all grouped together with significantly lower scores which have nothing to do with his knowledge but show the impact of using handwriting to communicate, and the subtest which require handwriting and are also timed - *very* low scores. I think I first saw this method of charting results by response type in one of Linda Silverman's books (not sure) - it's just a really easy *visual* representation that has worked well for us in advocating for handwriting accommodations for ds.

If they have any concerns at all about written expression, request the TOWL (Test of Written Language). It's a very common assessment so I would imagine they have it available.

Re whether or not to ask for reading and math achievement testing - you can get a piece of that through the WJ-III if you can convince them to administer the full suite of tests. OTOH, it's been our experience (in our small part of the universe) that SPED evals and gifted/acceleration evals are kept quite separate in our school district, and advocating for gifted services and acceleration was easier for us when separated from advocating for ds' SPED IEP. All districts are different though, so I have no idea what I'd do if I were at your school!

Best wishes,


ps - what you have listed looks like a really good list!