Thanks, 'Neato. I appreciate your input.

If so, then I have to think that interacting in homeschool discussions regularly--even if only with a tired mom and a cranky little brother (

)--isn't any worse and might be a far sight better than being in a room with people and yet not being allowed to interact with them at all.
I know that end of things was hard on my social but introverted boy! It was hard for him not to talk to the other kids when he was bored and they were right there with him, but by the end of the day he was worn out by all the time spent with people. It was all very unsatisfying for him.
He's much happier now that we can choose when to be with people--and really be with them completely!--and when to be alone.
I guess I find that argument against homeschooling to ring false to me. I think homeschooling lends itself to *more* opportunities for discussions with peers, at least when kids are young, than does a traditional (non-GT) school setting.
I'm still willing to be talked out of my position though.