Originally Posted by Zen Scanner
What I see is "Grapes of Wrath" in this section "Texts Illustrating the Complexity, Quality, & Range of Student Reading 6-12"
Indeed. Recall that each organization is but one piece in the puzzle. A standardized test such as SAT constructing questions based on CCSS content is what would put teeth into an emphasis on learning specified content.

Originally Posted by Zen Scanner
But, we have gone overlong in sidetracking from JenT's original question regarding "Words Their Way."
Indeed. My points to her and other parents would be
1) looking for the CCSS alignment numbers when they are curious about where an assignment or exercise may fit, or what purpose(s) and standard(s) it may be intended to fulfill,
2) being alert that CCSS is still under development,
3) understanding that future standardized tests may draw from CCSS-recommended content,
4) remaining aware of who the various interrelated organizations are.

As future advocacy for gifted students may be taking place in the context of CCSS, parents may want to be familiar with these things so they may say definitively their child has met particular standards, or that they prefer their child be allowed to use other selected literature, assignments, exercises, spelling lists, etc, to demonstrate knowledge and understanding which fulfills particular standards.