Comprehension is often the thing teachers or others who believe in leveling out hang their hats on - he's not getting all the depth of a book, like after reading the little prince, or something else with depth. So they think sure he's reading but he's not absorbing so then at 3rd grade when all the others are reading those books, they think DS's depth has not developed, possibly because unless you engage in a deep conversation you won't find out if they understand it deeply. But any teacher actually doing reading assessment should be able to see the difference.
This is the primary problem we have with DS9. His communication skills are poor for his age, and he doesn't care for writing (delayed fine motor skills), so you sure as hell aren't going to get a book report out of him... so when I tell them he's capable of understanding high school level books they honestly don't have a good way to see that for themselves...

At least he's been able to show at least 6th grade comprehension on the AR tests.