This is such a tough situation to be in! What are your other school options? I'm just curious.
Our ds switched schools in 6th, my dd switched later on as she was moving into 5th. Our ds switched partly because he was frustrated with not being accelerated specifically in math, but also lack of overall pace and low levels of intellectual discussions (and in his case, there was a 2e related issue too). The thing is - up until that point at the end of 5th grade he had been adamant that he didn't want to switch schools, and even then he was still worried about leaving behind the place that he was comfortable in just from having been there for several years. Yet his new school, which gave him what he needed in terms of challenge, was such a better fit that he was instantly happy and never once looked back.
My dd is an extremely social kid. We offered to let her switch schools when ds did and she was *adamant* that she would not ever ever ever switch schools and that she wanted to stay with her friends - so we let her stay. After just one year of listening to the things ds did in school, of walking into the building with me to pick him up and seeing the school atmosphere and getting to know a few of the kids - she was begging to switch to his school

So she's there now and has also never looked back. Soooo.. it might be worthwhile just looking into what your other options are and if you find a school you think you might like, have your dd try it out for a day.