Thank you everyone for the great advice. I decided to give it a few more weeks, but at the same time e-mail the teacher to better understand the timeline of assessments and grouping.

NoSoGifted, we are in Central PA and purposely moved to our current school district because of the Gifted Program. In preschool, I became acutely aware that DS was ahead of the curve and did a lot of research into the area's gifted programs last year. I'm excited about the gifted program at this school, but am still not sure how to get from the first day of school to placement in the gifted program.

No, we haven't had DS tested, but both his father and I were in gifted programming in school and he is performing 2-3 grade levels above K. I like the advice to send in/bring along examples of DS work at home to demonstrate his capabilities to the teacher. We meet with her tomorrow, so I'm gathering together some examples.

The teacher indicated that the class will be separated into reading groups this week, but they do not separate out for math. She plans to give him extra 2nd grade math worksheets. Not sure how I feel about extra work. I know when I was in gifted, I thought the extra work was more a punishment for being smart than an advantage.

Trying to be patient and support him as best we can. Last week he asked if he could see cells with an "electronic" microscope. My sister is a biology teacher at a local school so we are planning a family field trip to look at cheek cells under the microscope.