Boy, am I glad DS5 can count so I don't have to pay attention to the instructions that sometimes come home as his Kinder homework! (the teacher told us at the curriculum night that if we find some things too basic, we do NOT have to do them. So I'm taking her word for it!)
The worksheets he brings home have instruction along these lines ... "understand that the last number name said tells the number of objects counted. The number of objects is the same regardless of their arrangement or the order in which they are counted."
home activity ... "use a box of blocks or other toys. Have your child count 4 blocks and put them in the box. Have your child move the blocks around and ask if there are still 4 blocks in the box. Ask your child to check by counting. Repeat the activity with 5 blocks."
Seriously? I have no experience with NT kids ... do they actually have to follow all these steps to learn basic counting? Can't they just show them one of the fun Leapfrog videos and be done with it??? I can see why my kid is bored beyond reasonable if that's the kind of math activities they do at school??? The instructions make my head spin! ... and I've already seen even worse than this in the last 2 weeks. Yikes!