I have just started homeschooling math with my 7 yr old, who is not super "mathy" at all. She's about 18-24monthd ahead of appropriate grade (she's skipped), so she's certainly not struggling, she's just not rocketing along naturally the way many kids here do. I'm finding it interesting that she is far better conceptually and at problem solving than she is at facts/arithmetic, it's hard at times to balance what she understands against the fact that she doesn't "just know" things that seem like they should be "self evident" (like addition and subtraction within 10). So she has struggles with fairly simple problems that are not about the concept or the idea of the method so much as the calculation, even when broken down to simplest facts.

She can be faced with "81-20" and mutter out loud "8-2...5...50..51" so no trouble getting that she should knock the zeros off, or deal with the ones later, but stumbles with the most basic computation.