The College Board SAT site has for some time had a full practice test and a "question of the day" feature. They have recently added SAT Skills Insight

Skills Insight helps you to recognize the skills you need to achieve your goals on the SAT.
SAT Skills Insight is a free tool to help you get a score that really shows your abilities. It identifies the types of skills that are tested on the SAT with sample test questions so that you can do your best if you're taking the SAT for the first time, or if you got your SAT scores and are thinking, "I want to do better than that."
If you have already taken the SAT (for real, or a practice test at home) you specify your score on one of the sections and are given questions in various topics that are at your level. A document describing what students at various score levels need to study is at .

People disagree about whether students should prepare for tests used in talent searches. I favor at least some preparation and think Skills Insight could be a useful and interesting tool.