Originally Posted by ultramarina
(She used to look very SPD and a lot of it has gone away with time, but not all.)

I think this is typical of SPD - children learn to cope with the SPD as they mature so a lot of the extreme SPD beahvior you notice when your children are small seems to disappear as they get older. With our dd, I think it's a combination of outgrowing some of it, developing the skills to enable her to better cope with parts of it, and also simply starting to hide some of it or ignore some of it. For instance, she used to scream about smells that bugged her and she would smell anything and everything to get a sense of what it was etc. She doesn't smell things (at least not obviously anymore), and she doesn't usually comment about smells and never screams about them anymore. OTOH, she will now and then comment on a "smell" that no one else in our family can smell at all... so I am sure her sense of smell is still unusually keen.
