Originally Posted by deacongirl
Just wanted to share how dd12 is doing for any parents out there contemplating a skip. Dd12 skipped 6th, had a good year in 7th, and is set up for a good year this year as well. Academically she did great, still at the top of the class, Principal's Honor Roll, Writing Award, and Academic Excellence Award. She is moving up a level in math (still with 8th graders) and worked over the summer to fill in the gaps. (This was met with lots of tears, and "I'm not smart or I would understand this math immmediately" but she worked through it and feels confident now). Socially I am very proud of her. She has chosen a group of friends with common interests who seem like genuinely nice kids. She started a book club complete with 2 pages of guidelines (lol--clearly she takes after her type A father) and the girls seem excited about it. I know that the high school will be able to meet her needs academically--there is a fantastic International Spanish Academy that she will be applying to.

Just wanted to share, I know I agonized over the decision to skip, but in dd's case, it was absolutely the right move, academically and socially.

Thank you. This is very inspiring. And hooray for your DD!! DS11 has had a rough transition so far, but I expect things will change for the better soon.

Regarding gaps: I tried to work with DS over the summer on math gaps and he wasn't having any of it, so I'm planning to hire a tutor for those specific gaps. I hope I can report DS's skip was a success as well. I'll keep you posted.