I found reading the Midiagnosis and Dual Diagnosis of Gifted Children book very useful, also coupled with a British book "Disorganised Children", it's a bit harder to find so a link:


This book in particular was useful because I could read most chapters and think "No... Nope.... Definitely not that..." and then there were 3-4 chapters where I was more in the range of "Hmmm maybe..." or "OMG yes!". And that process let me realise I did not think my DD had every disorder ever mentioned on the internet, and also gave me the language I needed to talk to professionals about what we were seeing that was not obvious when meeting a girl who was no obviously anything, but clearly had SOMETHING going on. I discovered a whole bunch of things she did (or had done) that I had no idea weren't normal too. Like incorrect use of personal pronouns during language acquisition. It took me months and months to teacher her the correct use of "I" and "You". Just think about that one for a while :-). How DO you explain who is "I" and who is "YOU" in any given conversation without using the very words that are causing the problem in the first place?