Originally Posted by madeinuk
Back in the day I was addicted to playing Sid Mier's Civilisation so I know better than to let DD anywhere near stuff like this LOL.

I have managed to get a Lego Robotics kit so just waiting for the right rainy day to give her that to play with- she loves regular Lego and puts wheels on just about everything. I cannot wait to see what she makes of this.

Hello. My name is HK, and I'm a Tetris addict...

{Hi, HK!}

Seriously, I was well on my way to 12-step territory. This is (was?) a reasonably common lament among STEM grad students I know/knew.

Which made it no better that I had just about zero self-control over it. I can play Bejeweled without getting TOTALLY sucked in like that. Tetris was different. blush

RPG does it for my DD. Webkinz was like crack, I swear. Pokemon? Even worse. NO way was I opening the door to Minecraft with her. Remember, she has to have computer access for school day to day-- and she's so clever that not even K9 completely put paid to the Pokemon... so...

Roblox is a Minecraft-lite that is apparently only really fun for her when she's playing with friends, which is okay since, hey, it's usually just a couple of hours once every few weeks. That's okay.

Pokemon was sometimes 4-6 hours a day, when you added all of her sneaking and furtive access time. It was bad.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.