Originally Posted by ashley
Now, isn't a gifted child supposed to be intense and focused to the point of obsession in an area of interest (like photography, science, math, geography, art, animals, languages or whatever)? How can a so called "gifted" child not be motivated about anything? He is extremely capable though - academically, he is above grade level in all the core subjects and is never resistant to any new curriculum that I introduce and never complains about work load and can cheerfully complete all the afterschool work I require of him.

That was me. I was pretty "meh" about everything, and was just... way smarter and more capable than any other kid my age. I wasn't obsessed or fixated on anything, nor was I driven or passionate (that came later... then fizzled out again). Now I alternate between "meh" and "OMG!!" (lol)

My kids, on the other hand, are obsessive and passionate. It's funny how that's working out. My DD10 reads more than I, a voracious reader, ever did. I can't decide if that's because she has access to more books than I did, or if she is more passionate about it? Not sure.