Ok. I don't mind being "that mom". Actually, I already am

What about, "His teachers and the principal agreed that first grade is a better placement for him." Maybe I can pass the buck to them...
And thank you, Spock, for your advice about Nellies. The particular Nellie who said that to me didn't really upset me much, but I was surprised and at a loss for words. Her DD seems GT to me and we used to talk about Kindergarten stuff before DS was skipped. Now I feel like I am walking on eggshells around her...maybe unnecessarily. It's just hard for me to tell. I offered to share some information with her but she didn't seem interested. Right now, we are just avoiding the topic.
Often, when I mention research, people's eyes glaze over. I guess I'm the only person who's interested in that kind of thing...besides you guys of course!
Any pointers on what kinds of things to feed the gossip mill other than DS is happy and doing well in first grade?