My DD is going into middle school in two weeks, and as far as I know, still believes in Santa.

I have no idea why. We were clothes shopping over the weekend, and she said she hoped Santa brought her some of the nice jeans she got from him the years ago, but did not ask me to get her some, even though we were jeans shopping. So I think she really does believe. I don't make any attempt to hide incoming packages or anything. I've put the presents under her tree and turned the lights on (our tradition) in the middle of the day when everyone is home and awake, even, and she's never thought that maybe it was me. When asked, she's said it's "pretty unlikely" that we'd have given her the stuff Santa has.

FWIW, I don't think she's ever been teased for that belief.

Last edited by AlexsMom; 08/07/13 08:48 AM. Reason: DYAC