Hello, First off, I'm sorry for posting here because my son's FSIQ is not even close to Davidson's cutoff, but I really need advice and I've been reading here for a long time. My son recently had a private psychological evaluation because I suspected ADHD along with being gifted. The testing confirmed both these (although FSIQ was quite a bit lower than I would have guessed).

He has huge issues with writing--not so much handwriting, but coming up with what to write. So far the testing psychologist along with a developmental pediatrician have said that it's probably because of the ADHD. However, I was wondering if it could be a learning disability. Last year (before this psych evaluation) I asked the school about evaluating him but they really didn't want to and basically said "we legally have to if you request it, but let's try these informal accommodations first". The informal accommodations worked sometimes, but not always, and they weren't consistent in implementing them. On his last two report cards he got "at grade level" for writing, only because the teacher sent the graded papers (they don't all count for a grade) home and I sat with him for hours pulling every single word out of him.

I was hoping I could post my son's test scores and maybe somebody would have some kind of advice. Also, could anyone give me any ideas of how schools can accommodate for weaknesses while also challenging him? He has been identified for the TAG program, but he was only tested in math and it's up to each teacher to differentiate for it. They seem pretty reluctant to give him more advanced work in anything else because of his writing problems.

Last year at age 7 he had an OT evaluation where he was given the Beery VMI and his results were (score, percentile):
Visual Perception 142, 99.4
Visual Motor Integration 99, 47
Motor Coordination 97, 42

The most recent testing at age 8 included the SB5 and several subtests from NEPSY II.

SB5 results:
Fluid Reasoning 138
Knowledge 117
Quantitative Reasoning 133
Visual Spatial Processing 137
Working Memory 106
FSIQ 130

Animal sort total 17
List memory 10
Auditory attention total 11
Auditory attention combined 10
Response set total 10
Response set combined 6
Word list repetition 12

Word generation semantic 5
Word generation letter 11
Inhibition naming combined 12
Inhibition inhibit combined 15
Inhibition Switch combined 16
Clocks 14
Word list recall 16

I'm so sorry this is very long. Thank you if you read this far.