I have done the same questioning in the past - what did you learn today, anything new and exciting happen? When each of our girls were in pre-school and kindergarten they would usually answer with enthusiasm and eagerness, but that was about as far as it went. Now both girls give me the same answer as the rest of you have said - nothing! Last school year I changed my question to - can you tell me something that happened at school today? I at least got some response to this line of questioning, but it was always something they did at recess or something another student did in class, etc. It was never anything truly academic in nature. The only thing I recall at all from the last school year, was DD9 telling me they finally got around to division towards the end of the year. I asked if she was excited about getting to do division finally and she bluntly told me - "No Mom, it is just the opposite of multiplication, and besides, I already know how to divide and I don't like math!" Awww out of the mouths of babes!
At the end of the last school year I met with DD9's teachers for the next school year to try to build some rapport and just as a "heads up" she is coming your way. I told them flat out that it has been a very long time since DD has come home excited about anything she is learning at school. She used to be so excited and interested and now seems to not really care at all. It is so sad to see this in my child and not know how to help her get her enthusiasm for learning back.