My son, now 15, was recognizing some words at 2, and read his first easy reader book that he had never seen before at 2 1/2. He had not been taught to read and he had a vision issue that caused his eyes to tire quickly so I would sometimes spell out the words in the rest of the sentence he had been reading and he would quickly tell me the words, as if he didn't even have to think about it. We demonstrated this for the pediatrician at his 4 year old checkup. The doctor called in another pediatrician. Neither of them had seen anything like it and both said he should do well in school. When my son was 4 1/2 he was reading and memorizing lines from Alice in Wonderland for his musical theater class. He was easily reading and comprehending at a 5th grade level when he turned 5. We could not afford testing at that age but an educational psychologist that tested him with a brief intelligence test and achievement test at age 7 thought he was most likely highly gifted but he needed to be tested over more than one session because of fatigue/low muscle tone issues. His half-brother is highly gifted and taught himself to read as a preschooler but never had fine motor issues.

My son had low muscle tone from birth. Our insurance would not pay for OT and school would not provide it because my son was not failing. We had to make a choice between piano and musical theater lessons and OT. We chose piano and musical theater. His hands got stronger from piano but his fine motor skills, especially handwriting or coloring got worse after about five minutes because his hands hurt and that never really changed but he turned out to have a connective tissue disorder.

My son learned a lot of math at your son's age through computer games since handwriting was a problem for him.