gellison--that is awesome; thanks for posting that! Congratulations to you and your daughters. It's wonderful that you took the time to do all that for the team, and that they did so well.

I have been looking into this kind of team a little, but it seems like opportunities here (a mid-sized, Southeastern city) are pretty limited. Which is kind of surprising to me given the number of high-tech, mathy businesses and also universities not too far away. Maybe I need to look harder to find the local groups, which I will do, but I am also wondering whether there are any such or similar teams that are not geographically limited. After all, in the age of the internet and Khan Academy, it seems like maybe somebody would be running a group via Google Hangouts or something similar?? I will keep searching. Not that our own DD is very into competitions at this point, but it would be nice to have more options. And I'm sure there are other girls in a similar situation who might be even more interested in math clubs.