Hi there. My DS6 is skipping second grade next year and entering third and to prepare him, I have created a curriculum for me to teach him over the summer. His gifted class won't handle the core curriculum as much as his every day class will, so I am not too worried about preparing him for that. In fact, I think it's better that I just focus on the core work and let him blossom through the gifted curriculum on his own. In our state, gifted children attend gifted class just once a week for almost an entire day. So, he will spend most of his time in his regular class.

Education.com is a great resource for activities in all subjects. In addition, my older son's teacher gave me all of his books to use over the summer to assist my younger son in learning the 3rd grade concepts before the school year starts. You might want to see if you can get a hold of some of the texts they will be using next year if applicable.

We had our first lesson yesterday which was math and reading. He had a blast. He is very excited about learning an advanced grade curriculum and he was fully on board with the lessons. I kept them to 30 minutes each which seems to be just the right amount of time to learn, participate and retain the lesson. Good luck!