My 7 yo dd just finished first grade. Next year she starts the self-contained gifted class which will be a mix of 2nd and 3rd graders. I heard that they start all the students out on 3rd grade math. They begin with a math assessment (end of 2nd grade math assessment maybe?) to determine their 'gaps' and go from there. Up until now I haven't done any after schooling with dd except for on occasion we do Sunshine math. I am just wondering if it would be a good idea to give her a condensed 2nd grade math curriculum over the summer? I do feel she instinctively is good at math (PRI of 151) but her school uses Everyday Math and is a bit confusing at times with how they word things and expect problems to be answered.
Last edited by mountainmom2011; 06/09/13 01:02 PM.