@ CAmom

That's that what I was thinking... that she probably has dyscalculia. He just kept mentioning her weakness on all tasks/tests that involved processing speed. He did says she has a very complex profile. I'm just trying to deduce ahead of time what disability they may determine she has if she is to qualify for an IEP.

ETA: the only time she seems like she has ADD/ADHD is when she is concentrating on school work. The slightest noise makes it very hard for her to focus and concentrate but not due to lack of effort. It just frustrates her and she says "she can't think". This is why I think she is not doing well in school (even with noise cancellation headphones) and does MUCH better in one on one situations outside of the classroom.

Last edited by mountainmom2011; 05/29/13 08:12 AM.