Hi all,
I have two boys, 8 and 10, about to end their school year this week. Let's just say school is not my 10yo's thing, nor is any obvious attempt to enrich his knowledge outside of school. He prefers sports and puttering around to outright learning something. He is highly curious and emotionally obnoxious particularly with his little brother who is more school oriented. My older is MG/HG while the younger is HG/HG+.
We have 5 weeks out of school, no travel plans in Raleigh, NC....I'm looking for daily ideas to keep them busy and focused (read "out of trouble"). I had the bright idea to get them a microscope and some slides which costs less than a one day camp here ;), looking for similar ideas. They love science but not following kits, lol. They love to cook and eat...art is ok, crafts hated. The more action, the better.
Much advanced appreciation!