I find a lot of my DS4 perfectionism is only happens when he is with his mother and I. He wouldn't learn to catch a ball because it meant he would drop it before getting better but he now goes to an after school sports thingy and picks it up in no time. He won't go without training wheels because it means he will have to take a few falls (on grass in our backyard) before getting the hang of things but at same after school group he is going without training wheels, falling on concrete and just getting on with it. Lets not talk about chess or boardgames or such things. Heck even when watching a football game he won't pick a team to go for until it is fairly obvious who is going to win.

On a funny side note. He, and a HG+ friend of his, played snakes and ladders a few months back and it was almost tears from both of them everytime one of them struck a snake. Madness!!