Originally Posted by KnittingMama
DS had a "diagnosis" of mild to moderate autism by the school psychologist (in quotes because I don't know that she was actually qualified to make such a diagnosis). I regret telling my close friends and family about this, especially as a few months later a private psychiatrist told us that yes, DS has some quirks, but she couldn't even call it Aspergers, let alone autism.

KnittingMama I find that so interesting.

Our school is (still) convinced that DS8 is on the spectrum, and the school psychologist intern did a screening on him when he was 6 that came back as being at risk. I bypassed the long wait to have a school district assessment by the main psychologist and went private, and our private psychologist said no way. The school kept insisting, so I went to the highest ranking psychiatrist in the province for Autism related disorders, who also said no way is DS on the spectrum.

I've often wondered (but will never know at this point) what the school district psychologist would have come back with if he had done DS's assessment.

What's really ironic (and makes me furious) is that the school is claiming that our private psychologist's report is not valid documentation. They want me to go back to the psychiatrist (to see if he'll change his mind?), but our pediatrician has flat out said no, she won't refer us again because the request would be denied because nothing has changed.

You can imagine what this has done for my faith in the whole system (sigh). At this point I'm finding it really hard to take anything the school says seriously.

Last edited by CCN; 05/19/13 05:17 PM.