Originally Posted by eastcoast
So we are on our subject acceleration path with DS 6. He is first and will be in fifth grade math next year. I am curious. Those of you who have grade skipped or subject accelerated: what was the transition like socially and academically. Was there any stumbling? What made it easier/harder?

We subject-accelerated rather than grade accelerated. There are two things I'd add to what's already been said - first, I think the experience is going to be highly individual based on the classroom teacher. Folks above have mentioned the higher demand on EF skills, being organized, being responsible for assignments turned in etc. What happened with my *highly* disorganized ds was that he landed with a teacher who was extremely structured and his EF skills actually benefited from being in her class. What I've seen in the schools my kids have been in is that as kids move into 5th/6th grade the teachers start expecting a higher level of organization etc, but they are also actively *working* with the kids to get them there - so while it's something that might crop up, it also may very well be a non-issue.

The other thing our ds experienced - frustration at the pace of the class. Even though he moved up, he still was capable of learning at a much faster rate than the classmates he was with, and at times that has caused some frustration.

Good luck to your ds, and congrats on advocating successfully!


ps - forgot to add, ds' homework load definitely increased, but his teachers have been very good about recognizing that he picks up the concepts right away, and they have told him that he can selectively limit the # of problems he is assigned for homework if he doesn't have time to make it through the full assignment.

Last edited by polarbear; 05/15/13 11:15 AM.