I think that the aspect of deciding on educational acceleration for ds6 that has most surprised me is the resistance from the school, family and other parents of gifted kids. To say "resistance" is to minimize their opposition, truly.

I suppose this continues to surprise me because these same folks would never be so outspoken on differences of bedtimes, potty-training, media choices or diet. There is in our area a sense that you only comment on these parenting choices when specifically asked for advice, and only them to share your views. And yet, I am time and time again being told what is best for ds in very strong terms, by folks who know little about where he actually is academically let alone how quickly his mind works.

Children are different. All children are different. We do not expect them to have the same hobbies, eat the same foods, choose the same books for casual reading, etc., etc.. We make allowances for differences in tastes, personalities, interests and athletic abilities. So, why does our culture impose age-based limits on learning?

I'm venting a bit. Preaching to the choir, too, I know. But I've not been at this long and am already growing tired of hearing, "He'll level out by 2nd grade like my child." Or, "That's not usually done." To the latter, I feel confident simply asking if they typically have a child with his particular strengths in the school... "Only time will tell," has been my offhand reply to the former.