So, my kid was tested at school for reading levels, writing and math capabilities. He is 2 grades ahead for reading (he is in K currently, testing around 3rd grade). The tester said she stopped because he did not answer one question in a book he was asked to read. She knows he can read everything (her words). Math -- he did great, demonstrated his mental math abilities and did everything they asked him to do. Writing is his "weak" area -- he can write sentences and such, but it takes him a super long time to write -- almost an hour to come up with 4-5 sentences and then write them down. The tester said he talks about what he wants to write for 25-30 minutes and then sort of fine tunes it in his mind and then finally writes it.

There have also been concerns about ADD, and the child needing repeated reminders (especially, for fine motor skills tasks like writing). We'll definitely consult a psychologist and see what they say/think as well.

However, my child has been saying (as a matter of fact) that he learns at home, and does not learn (as much) at school. This came up, because I asked him whether he is sad that school will be over soon, and he emphatically said that he is glad about it, and that he will have a chance to just read and learn whatever he wants. I do know, though, he learns at school (the social things, getting along with others, music, art, things of that nature). With this year drawing to a close, and next year coming up (1st grade), do you think it is advisable to approach the school staff to see if any differentiation can be provided because he does not fit in K (or 1st grade) (especially because the school staff thinks he is ADD)?

My child is happy at school. He is basically a happy child anywhere, he does not act out, but "is in trouble for not finishing work" (usually coloring). He is also extremely inquisitive, and sometimes, I think the school staff is tired of answering his various "why/how does..." questions.

Please advise.

Last edited by mom2one; 05/09/13 08:47 AM.