Originally Posted by amazedmom
...She would say disparaging remarks about dd in front of her, and told me the only reason DD knew the things she did was "because you answer her questions." Well, yes I do, it's called be a parent.

Aren't you amazed by so-called parents who "dumb-down" their children like that?

When DS was just able to sit up in a shopping cart and look at something other than overhead lights, I would talk-talk-talk to him about what I was buying, pointing out prices, naming the product and saying if it was a protein, carbohydrate, etc.

When he was a toddler, he'd want to find all the emergency exits and ooh-and-ahh over them. He wanted to know what they were and I explained to him the whole thing.

Yes...I look at little ones in the stores and wonder why the parents act like they are brainless blobs. Even before I knew DS was gifted, I always treated him as if he were able to understand years beyond what the baby books said was possible.