Just adding to the posters that I cross posted with - my DD with CAPD has not just "normal" hearing, but hearing above average across the board and can hear a full standard deviation beyond what she should be able to hear in the lower registers. With her CAPD diagnosis, she had to score at or below the 2nd percentile for two related portions of the test (any two, but there had to be two and related), she just barely met this criteria, there were other sections were she scored above the 98th and much of it was at least average, some poor and two extremely low...
When she was 5 and struggling at school I remember having this epiphany that maybe she was partially deaf. I went and asked her teacher who said "wow, I never would have thought of that - but YEAH! That would explain a lot!" Her hearing test came back exceptional, her focus beyond her years, no-one suggested CAPD and we spent many more years saying "I KNOW you can hear me!!!" Until I finally learned about CAPD and had her tested. Yes he can hear beautifully, she can't process what she hears in certain circumstances.