Sounds an awful lot like my dd6. She is the blender and hider. The teachers adore her and she gets along with everyone. She is also a 1st grader and won't be 7 until next school year. We had her tested with a great tester last spring at 5. I was very concerned she would not cooperate with the tester. She is a perfectionist and does not like to try new things in front of new people. She will say she doesn't know the answer or its too hard. For the response is her perfectionism and being uncertain about her answer. She doesn't want to answer questions unless she is 110% sure of her answer.

Her scores came back just under DYS levels. Which honestly blew my mind as she presents incredibly different than her DYS brother. We approached the school about her placement this year. She presents as such a "go with the flow" kid that the teacher was not seeing her at all. The school clearly didn't really believe our scores and retested her on different IQ and achievement testing. Her new test came back exactly the same as the first one on IQ and her achievement scores came back above DYS levels. She is actually achieving at a higher level than her DYS brother did at 6.

She is socially sophisticated in a way her brother never was at this age. This a kid that will sit next to her best friend (who is a year older than her) and acts like she is trying to figure out how to spell a word. She does this because her friend can't spell it and doesn't want her to feel badly. She is a kid both parents and teachers could completely over look. She plays up or down to her environment.

I think when we have a PG kid in the house who is extreme by nature, it's super easy to over look another kid. I personally have no idea what a "normal" kid looks like. I need to remember that when I am questioning my instinct about them. My gauge of "normal" or age appropriate development is off.

I would really consider finding a good tester. If he doesn't test that high, does it do any harm to him? Is here is anything riding on the out come right now? I would go for it. I know if we didn't test dd she would have been completely overlooked by her school. She is an adorable charming little girl. No teacher would have looked at her and thought, "hmmm, everything looks just fine so let's changes things for her." No way they would have left her status quo.