as a family, we've always had a rule that whatever session we've paid for gets finished, but the extra-curriculars haven't escalated like the school issues have. we have a great partnership with her dance and swimming instructors - they've handled these issues beautifully.
i've used a river analogy with DD quite effectively with day-to-day perfectionism. Q: let's say you have a river in your path. how would you cross it? A: i'd jump. Q: wonderful. now what if the river is too wide to jump? A: i'd swim. Q: think about swimming for a minute. A: ok. Q: is that all one step? A: no. it's lots of little strokes to get where you're going. [cue the big smile]
but the power thing - you really put your finger on it, HK. it's definitely what i'm worrying about - she could very easily interpret this as a big win for her instinct to quit and use that against us in the future.
but it's also probably not a bad message that when things are truly taking more from you than they're giving back, it's ok to walk away. maybe that's the balance i'm looking for? she's quite a rational person, so that's working for us...
Last edited by doubtfulguest; 05/01/13 10:04 AM.