I agree with syoblrig - it looks - and more importantly *reads* like an early elementary science fair project (and I've judged school and state science fairs!). It's a good poster because all the important parts of the scientific method are displayed, it's put together nicely (visual), and includes pictures smile The important thing at the actual fair is going to be - can your ds explain his experiment and does he understand it.


ps - it's not unusual for kids to use computers to type up their poster info. I also think that the parts you helped with are reasonable - you acted as a mentor in helping him learn about his subject, and you handled the part of the experiment that might have been semi-dangerous (boiling water). Students do get help with both of those things, and it's not unreasonable. What would be considered too much help was if you were choosing the experiment, telling him what to write, and guiding him in coming up with his conclusions. Most of that usually shows (if it happened) when a judge talks to the child during the fair. I wouldn't have any issue with a mom carrying a pot of boiling water smile

Last edited by polarbear; 05/01/13 08:46 AM.