Originally Posted by HowlerKarma
We dotted every i and scrupulously followed their instructions to the letter in every way that we possibly could-- and were STILL denied "one on one testing" as an accommodation. Even though we made it clear that ANY person in that testing room may pose a risk of fatality-- within a few minutes-- to my daughter, and documented her sensitivity and medical history to support that assertion. The school backed us (what about homeschooled students like my dd?? Good lord.) our specialist physician backed us (and he's nationally known). And we still were told that we were asking for what she didn't really need.

It's mind boggling.

I'm not litigious in any way, but this seems like it's worth filing a lawsuit over. The fact that she needs that testing to get into college, yet they're unwilling to provide a safe testing environment seems criminal. I'm seething, too, just reading about their blithe treatment of your dd's needs.