STAR doesn't start in CA until 2nd grade so I'm not sure what your K daughter was doing if she was doing them in class?

When my son was in school in 2nd and 3rd, they gave the released test questions as practice in class. If you look here- you can also see the answers-

I wouldn't use this as a way to show a need for differentiating however. It does nothing to show if your daughter is above grade level- even if you use the ones that are above level STAR questions they will probably argue that this is "the middle of the pack" kind of work. I'd recommend something more like an ALEKS placement test, using the textbook placement test for your school, NWEA MAP testing or if you can afford it, individual achievement testing.

I say this because even with my son's perfect STAR score in 2nd grade, they said it only proved that he knew that material, not what he was ready to learn next.