
People (doctors/teachers) have always told us that our son was quite smart and I guess we have always thought he picked things up quite easily. His school wanted us to have him tested, but I didn't want them to put him in a box, so we privately had it done. The results are very mixed (some very superior and some that seem very average) and I really don't fully understand where we should go from here. We are novice parents and have not really done anything to help him. I would appreciate any advice on how we could help him, what should we say to his school etc? Also, there is a school that is more academic than his current school, but requires him to do an entrance exam. Should someone with such mixed results do such an exam and go to an academic school?

Subtests Percentile Rank
Similarities 98
Vocabulary 75
Comprehension 37

Block design 91
picture concepts 99
matrix reasoning 95

digit span 84
sequencing 99

coding 50
symbol search 63

Thank you! Any advice would be extremely appreciated.